The Parks of Mendoza



Plaza Independencia


This park is the heart of the city. It covers about 16 square blocks of land, and is the major gathering place for famlies and friends to picnic, play music and shop from vendors.





The walks are all tiled.





This major water feature was turned off for maintenance.





Vendors set up their booths or blankets in the late afternoon and they stay until late at night. Lots of music produced from local bands and individuals.





Plenty to eat.



Plaza San Martin


The central Park, Plaza Independencia is bracketed by four smaller parks each located two blocks diagonally out from Independencia. Each of these four parks covers one square block in area. This first park is the Plaza San Martin, named for the hero of their Independence, and located northeast of the Plaza Independencia..








Plaza San Martin and the other parks offer the opportunity to sit in a peaceful and beautiful environment.





This large monument to San Martin dominates the park center.





Pretty cool.



Plaza Espana


This beautiful park is located southeast of the Plaza Independencia.





Lots of elaborate Spanish tile work.










A peaceful water pond in the center.





This tile mural displays the history of Spain and Argentina.





Built in the early 1940s by Spanish artisans, it is still in perfect condition.



Plaza Italia


This park is southwest of the Plaza Independencia.










The interior plaza has a monument to the Italian immigrants who came to live in Argentina.










The park is located in a quiet neighborhood having many excellent apartment/condo towers around the park.



Plaza Chile


Plaza Chile is to the northwest of Plaza Independencia.








At the center is this fountain and off to the right a monument to the friendship between Chile and Argentina.



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